Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Extreme Ironing

When I got married in 1958, among my wedding gifts was an iron and an ironing board. It was a useful gift because "back in those days", nearly everything had to be ironed. When my girls started school, all their little dresses had to be ironed. I had a full-time job so I had a perpetually full laundry basket of clothes needing to be ironed.

Then came the life-altering invention of permanent press clothes and tumble-dry clothes dryers and we have never looked back. I don't use the iron more than a couple times a year. And, when I do, it's most likely to shorten some pants with Stitch Witchery (great stuff!).

How then, did it come to pass that grown men--seemingly sane and healthy--took up ironing as a sport?! Take a look at these (ahem) athletic fellows.


Pearl said...

Oh, too funny. The iron has taken on cult status at last! House work will soon be cool!!


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

The REAL Iron Men!

BPOTW said...

Great photos! That's the only way they can complete the iron-man decathlon!