Back in December when I set about decorating for Christmas, I cleared away stuff to make room for the seasonal doodads. I had three framed pictures of my great-granddaughters on the bookcase in the corner. I stacked them up and put them all away until after Christmas. My granddaughter (their mom) gave me three new pictures of the girls for Christmas, but when I went to find the old framed pictures, I couldn't find them. Not anywhere!
I have now been looking everywhere for two weeks with increasing frustration. (I even resorted to cleaning out the catch-all linen closet.) I've looked in every logical place and every illogical place. I've checked in boxes, under stuff, on top of stuff, behind stuff, in drawers, in closets...
Some people have the innate ability to focus their energy on a problem and have the answer revealed to them. I am not that person.
If you have any ideas on where my three pictures are, please let me know. I am really desperate!
Ms. Sparrow, shut your eyes (not yet, dearie, keep reading), then retrace yer steps mentally...see yourself with the pictures...where did you put them? Think of yourself reaching UP to put them somewhere to the RIGHT...if that doesn't trigger it, then think of yourself STOOPING and placing them to the right...
I often get strong feelings as to where things are. But this time I am divided...I feel a tug towards them being in the Xmas stuff, in a kitchen cabinet, and under a couch?
I agree with Olde Dame..sometimes retracing my steps helps!! It drives me nuts when I can't find something!! Good luck!!
Did you look in the kitchen, you know, the cracks between appliances? Did you check Really good in the boxes the ornaments and things were in?? I hate it when stuff like this happens. GOOD LUCK! And, yes, try to imagine, but it's probably someplace close, like The Purloined Letter.
I can't remember anything anymore. Jim, was always my back-up...now, he's becoming forgetful.
Before he left for work this week, he said..."Susan,
you have GOT to remember where you put things."
Now how? Is what I'm wondering...hmmm. Frustrating, isn't it?
Oh my gosh, I hate it when I do that. I am always putting things away in a safe place and can never remember where the safe place is. Try not to think about them for a couple of days and maybe it will come to you.
Still thought about your situation after I posted. Thought: Did you ask your daughter if she picked up the pics by accident? That happened to my husband once (his keys). Good luck!
Boy that is a mystery.
I'm really worried that I may have thrown them out when I was wrapping Christmas gifts. It continues to drive me NUTS!
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