It's time to put away my little Christmas tree and take down the decorations for another year. All my Garfields go into pillow cases and then into a plastic bin to "rest".
It always contributes to the post-holiday letdown to take down all the festive decor and return to the old everyday look. Boy, do the winter blahs start to set in then!
Then there's the pile of Christmas cards to go through. It's always a conundrum on whether to toss them or save them. Should I make a list of who sent cards to me or is that petty? What should I do about those who I got a card from but didn't send a card to? How do I deal with the guilt of of having overlooked them? (I now realize, when you don't send cards to anyone, you don't have to worry about that.) I got really beautiful cards from some people and that makes me feel like a slacker for sending boxed Dollar Tree store cards. Some folks wrote nice things in their cards, I didn't.
Well, there's always next year!
I just read your post and noted all the videos and cds on the shelf. I just heard this morning that DVDs, CDs, and etc., are considered a thing of the past for some reason. I thought they were still going strong but I guess the big thing now is HULU and other free stuff on the computer.
Thanks for the comment you left me on my birds blog. Always appreciated.
I'm going to be using our dvd's and vhs tapes until the player quits! I'm not into new technology and resist change...so...am glad to see that you're still using them to.
Isn't it awful when things get put away...it's the whole process, of letdown, family has left, cooking favorite foods has ended...nothing to look forward to, no extra mail coming as cards and notes from friends. Lack of anticipation...emptiness, and the blah of winter hits...like a wall. Your Garfields are sure cute. Bet those are fun once a year. It's so much MORE fun to dig all that stuff out, than putting it away, isn't it?
Ahhh, I know the problem. Its granddaughter letdown !! I get it too !!
Part of our cutting on spending at the holidays this year so we could donate more to the food pantry was not sending cards. I won't do that again next year. I missed it. I always make ours using a nice photo and card stock. I never care where people's cards come from...they are all wonderful. I use to send a ton of cards, but now I only send them to people that I truly want to wish happy holidays to. It makes it more real and meaningful.
If someone wrote you an especially nice or newsy message, or sent a card when you didn't, you can always drop them a note to follow up. You know, "your message meant a lot to me," or "it was great to hear from you...the granddaughters were here for a delightful few days" or something like that. Find some colorful note paper and light some nice candles and put on music while you write...you need cheering up!
I am just taking my decorations down today...some of my friends took theirs down a week ago...but now everything looks bla..
I am also in the Christmas Card delima ..I didn't send any this year and now I feel bad..Blissed Out Grandma has a great idea..That's what I am going to do or just call.
Ms. Sparrow, do what I do to keep those blahs away -- I put a string of lights twisted up with a length of fake ivy and drape it over something, even just across the top of a cabinet -- I have pink lights right now but alot of folks like the clear ones -- I have a light-up birdie house, too -- once spring arrives, I don't turn it on everyday, but right now, I have my little lights ON...also decorate a bit for Valentine's...it will cheer you...
Thanks for all the great ideas, I really appreciate the suggestions.
Re my DVDs and CDs: I'm with Corgi Mama--I've transitions thru so many format changes that I'm drawing a line in the sand. I'm sticking with what I have from now on!.
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