My passport expired a year ago. I felt really bad about it--the fact that I no longer had the option to just fly off to London at a moment's notice. But, I was being practical; if I can't afford to renew my passport, chances of financing a trip abroad are nil.
After all the recent upheaval in the airline business, I'm now feeling much less deprived. Why would anyone want to get on an overseas flight if they didn't absolutely have to? In addition to being treated like a bus passenger (plus paying extra for every amenity including luggage), you are faced with hours of security screening and personal intrusions. Even after all that, there is still the threat of terrorists! You really "gotta wanna" get someplace to do all that.
It makes Homeland seem like the place to be safe and secure, doesn't it?
Oh, Ms Sparrow, I'd cut a hole in a mayo lid and drop an occasional quarter in the jar. You might get lucky and win an overseas trip and need that passport.
Keep that passport, Ms. Sparrow! Get it renewed! If Sarah Palin wins in 2012, you might just be peeved enough to go to Europe for about 4 years...lol...
Yea save up your money and get it renewed you never know!!
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