I'm really mad at myself today. I've been volunteering at a Specialty Clinic for Regions Hospital for five years. They had a Volunteer Recognition brunch today at noon at a very nice restaurant I could never afford. (A New Orleans Jazz Brunch, no less!) I had been looking forward to it for weeks and then spaced it out until 1:00. I've been torturing myself all day for being so stupid.
Sometimes I blame these lapses on having worked so many years in an office job that required constant multitasking. I find it hard to focus on one thing. I'm still mentally working on several things at any one time so I never make much progress. Of course, a lot of people my age call it "a senior moment" or Halfs-heimers"
or "Olds-heimers"--or even "a brain fart"! Whatever the cause, I'm terribly disappointed.
I've been having a turkey or two coming by for a handout every once in a while. They don't hang around. Jan who blogs at Revising Life informs me that a bunch of turkeys is called a gang or a rafter. I feel kinda silly for never looking it up myself.
I also got a comment about working with Wildlife Rehab from Susan who blogs at My Mother's Apron Strings. She says, "We took a Canadian Goose that lived on our pond to one in Connecticut--she had a dislocated wing (probably from a snapping turtle). After two days, she escaped and walked twelve miles back to our pond. It took her two weeks but she wasn't about to be kept away from her new goslings!"
Isn't that an amazing story? It really warms my heart.
(Borrowed image)
Here's a salute to all the wonderful men and women who rush in whenever there's a catastrophe. They are true heroes! (My granddaughter is married to a policeman and my grandson is married to an EMT.)
Air Quality Data Going Nowhere
1 hour ago
Canada Geese also make wonderful foster parents. A Mum and Dad will readily accept foster kids from another set of parents...and raise them like their own.
Jane x
Awwww...it happens, we forget, and it isn't just about age. The turkeys love you and I know you love their company, so that is good that they come now and then to see you.
As far as multi-tasking goes, I am not a multi-tasker. While I can have a few things going on simultaneously, occasionally, I prefer to finish one thing before I start another.
I too had to multi task for so long that sometimes I forget things for no reason although I still consider that I have a good memory, I have a bit of ptsd for all the trauma of working in such a stressful environment for so many years.
Yikes, lapse of memory not good. I always tie a knot in something to remember things; a reef knot in a small secretary works wonders.
You always warm my heart. So sorry you missed that lunch. When I worked it was easier to remember because I kept a professional calendar. After not working for a few months, I realized I STILL needed to keep a calendar. I enter everything in my smart phone and set the alarm (to remind me in advance). It has helped on my many occasions!
So sorry you missed the banquet. But I can certainly understand how quickly time can get away from a person. Glad you're still getting the turkeys and geese... will they stay all summer?
what awonderful story about the goose!
I am so sorry that you missed out on your treat.
I rely on my lists - which works well, until I lose my bits of paper.
How fun that a couple of turkey moochers keep in touch. Looking forward to hearing the head count in the fall.
Say thank you to your first responders from me.
Aw, never mind, there will be another, lol.
I have a calendar on my computer devices that syncs to everything. Even so, I showed up an hour early for a workshop last week. I'd made the appointment when I was in a different time zone. I was annoyed with myself - went home and skipped the workshop!
That is truely an amazing story. The wonder of the natural world...;)
Oh, I forgot I said that (already). For some reason, I do remember a group of crows is called a murder, hence the reason for looking up what a group of turkeys are called. I've always wondered where the names came from. ("Gang" fits grackles better than turkeys, I think.)
Janet (revising life.wordpress.com)
Don't beat up on yourself! We've all forgotten things we've looked forward to. Stuff happens, I think, regardless of age.
What a wonder nature story you have. It truly warms the heart.
And big hugs for the First Responders in your family!
That is incredible. Walked 12 miles back. Thats a long distance.
(by the way my comment on your earlier post IS there)
Incredible about the goose . Sorry about the brain bounce :)
I write everything in my book, and then I forget to look in my book. I forgot that I had tickets for Tuesday night and told my book group buddies that I was free for book club. Of course, I'm not. :(
THat's a shame you missed the lunch!! i had a similar space-out today, but remembered in time to rectify the situation.
Yay for the turkeys! ANd I like the goose story too.
We all have those moments; I think you should treat yourself to a special day! XOXO
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