When folks tell you that you're just as busy after you retire as you were before, they aren't kidding! You feel like you have lots of free time so you gradually take on more things to do until suddenly you start feeling overloaded. But then, you just carry on.
Last Wednesday, the entire turkey troup suddenly showed up in the wooded lot looking for food. I raced out with the goodies and they roosted overnight in the big cottonwood tree. They left the next morning and haven't been back since. I was so very happy and relieved to see they were all together and doing fine. They really brightened up a boring winter and gave me a lot of joy--not to mention blogging topics!
I have signed up to volunteer with the local Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. They work with sick and injured birds and animals to return them to the wild. I have orientation training next week and it appears I'll be working with baby birds. Maybe I'll even wind up with young turkeys or wood ducks!
(Borrowed from Google images, as always!)
Meme Dump
11 hours ago
I am a retired Wildlife Rehabilitator... you are in for a treat,some tears and a whole lot of satisfaction!
Jane x
Good for you. I knew the turkeys would come back; they always do. Have a fabulous time and learn lots with the babies.
Nice to know that your into rehab of wildlife, good for you.
oh you are going to love the little critters you are going to rescue. I try to keep busy when I am able, I think there is nothing worse than an active mind and decrepit body.
What a great thing to do... I'm excited for you. You are so right about keeping busy... I don't think I've ever had a day being bored... there's just SO MUCH out there to do. Not even close to having enough time to do it all. Keep up posted... I hope you get to take lots of photos.
Sounda like you're going to be even busier. Have fun. Sue
Awwwww....the turkeys knew where to come. They know you love them. :)
that sounds like very worthwhile voluntary work, hope you enjoy it!
You be quite surprised to know just how often the past few weeks I wondered if your turkey flock had returned. We have turkey crossing signs in our area as we have quite the following of turkeys here and I adore seeing them. I will have to post the sign, the town even put it up .
So glad. To read you will be a volunteer for wildlife rehab , they will be in good hands with you Ms Sparrow! Kudos for that.
What a great volunteer opportunity. You will be great at it.
Keeping busy has helped me through my roughest times. Love that you're volunteering with wildlife; I wouldn't expect anything less with a blog called Ms. Sparrow:-D XOXO
What a great volunteer activity. I wish I could do something like that but the nearest ones I know of are in the Twin Cities a hundred miles away.
Maybe this will be your chance to brush up on your photography. I'm sure you will come across many photo opts while volunteering with the birds.
The Wildlife Rehab thing sounds like it will be fun. Take lots of photos!! :)
How exciting! Isn't interesting where a gang of turkeys will lead you? (Did you know a group of turkeys is called a rafter or a gang? I just looked it up here http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/about/faqs/animals/names.htm)
I love that you signed up for the Wildlife Rehab. We took a Canadian Goose that lived on our pond to one in Connecticut--she had a dislocated wing (probably from a snapping turtle). After 2 days, she escaped and WALK over 12 miles back to our pond! It took her two weeks, but she wasn't about to be away from her new goslings! XOXO
Sounds like a fun and rewarding volunteer project.
Keeping busy is another word for keeping going.
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