My three great-granddaughters are staying with me this week. We went to my grandson's basketball game and this was a totally new experience for the girls. Afterward, we took some pictures of the cool girls and the wet and shiny BB player.
Watching the world from my little perch.
I'm a nut for Butter-Nut Coffee. I love the stuff and start every day with a couple cups along with my Star Tribune newspaper.
Now, I don't have many bad habits: I don't drink, smoke, gamble (other than an occasional lottery ticket) or even have any expensive hobbies. Just give me by Butter-Nut Coffee, my daily paper and my computer and I'm a contented gal.
So why is the Folger's Coffee Company messing with me?
I grew up in a Butter-Nut household. My folks drank it and my aunts and uncles drank it. (My cousin said that when her mom died some years ago, they hauled 40 empty Butter-Nut Coffee cans out of her basement.) It's a family tradition, for crying out loud!
Several years back, the Folger's Coffee Co. bought the Butter-Nut brand and has been marketing it under the "Maryland Club Butter-Nut" label. But--they are packaging it in Folger's red plastic canisters with the Folger's name on the can, the lid and the liner. I see an evil plot here!
Add to this the fact that Butter-Nut is getting harder and harder to find plus it keeps getting more expensive. They are trying to phase-out the best coffee I can buy!
Last week, several local grocery chains had really good specials on Folger's so (in a moment of weakness) I broke down and bought a can. I thought that if I combined the Folger's with the Butter-Nut, maybe I couldn't tell the difference. I was so wrong! Even when combined, the bitter Folger's flavor is overwhelming. UGH!
Right now, there's only one remaining grocery store selling my coffee. Wal-Mart used to carry it but no longer does. It's a conspiracy I tell you! If anyone knows of a campaign to get Folger's to preserve the Butter-Nut brand, please let me know. I may have to mount a campaign myself!