Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chicken soup for the putz's soul

I started out to write a post about everybody being sick. It was titled "Tis the season for chicken soup". Then I decided to cleverly illustrate it with a bowl of chicken soup. So I went into Yahoo Images to check out some pictures and I got sidetracked into all the Chicken Soup for the (whatever) Soul books that have been published.
There are well over 100 of them--for everyone from Canadians to Hawaiians, and NASCAR fans to cancer survivors. But, I couldn't find even one book for the sick person.

Anyway, I forgot to save my original post and the text was lost and I had to start over. Now, why isn't there a Chicken Soup book for putzes?

A big GET WELL SOON wish to all my sick friends and relatives.
Here's that bowl of chicken soup.


Bevie said...

Go to your dashboard, then click on "edit posts". It may have been saved as a draft.

My brother and his wife gave Spouse and me a one of these. Forget for what.

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Now honey, that doesn't look like chicken soup. I think you're trying to get some dumplings down those sick friends of yours. I definitely see dumplings in that bowl. That are matzoballs.

I saw something cute on another blog. It was a graphic that said, "I've had enough chicken soup for my soul. I want chocolate!!!"

Ms Sparrow said...

Bevie-I tried that but all that was saved as a draft was the bowl of chicken soup.
My Dear Penniwig-I see you are acqainted with the exotic matzo ball. A dear friend learned how to make the soup from a chef and it's now become the preferred "Get Well" chicken soup in my little circle. It's not called Jewish penicillin for naught.