I've been in a slump lately and while I think of things to post about, I just can't gather my thoughts sufficiently to actually do it. I guess you could say I'm just plain lazy--and you would be right!
In today's paper, the daily Isaac Asimov's Super Quiz subject was British to American--provide the American term for the British term (e.g. Afters. Answer: Dessert)
Freshman level
1) Chemist
2) Rubber
3) Jumper
Graduate level
4) Hole-in-the-wall (cashpoint)
5) Crisps
6) Kitchen roll
Ph.D. level
7) Bog
8) Lay-by
9) Off-license
I knew numbers 1 through 6 but didn't know what the rest of them were. Bog only brings to mind a swamp,
lay-by brings to mind the store "lay-away plan" where you have them hold the purchases until Christmas when you have saved up the money to pay for them. Off-license kinda seemed like it might be liquor related.
So, here are the answers:
1) Pharmacist, 2) Eraser, 3) Sweater, 4) ATM, 5) Potato Chips, 6) Paper towels, 7) Bathroom or toilet, 8) Rest area, 9) Liquor store.
49 minutes ago