For the past thirty days I was working on the novel I had begun years ago. I had created such a writer's block in my head that it had been languishing for the past several years. I took on the NaNoWriMo challenge of writing 50,000 words in a month just as a personal goal. It was with great fear and trepidation that I started. There were several concerns that had been holding me back for a long time--first was fear of failure, then there was the fear of finding my brain devoid of ideas, and then there was the fear of getting burned out.
What happened was amazing! As I got back into the world I created for my protagonist, she took me in a different direction. As I learned more about her, we started walking side-by-side on her journey and took it all the way to a conclusion. Of course, this is only a first draft and it still needs a lot of work but Halleluiah, I finished it!
This is a proud day for me.
Turning the Boat for Home by Richard Mabey
1 hour ago