I never met a carb I didn't like. I am also blessed with a fabulously efficient metabolism. I could survive in the wild for weeks and weeks without eating bunnies and berries.
As a result, I have shamefully gained
12 pounds in the last month just from birthday parties, family picnics and going out to eat. What is so annoying is that I can easily gain back in a month all the weight it took many months to lose. And it's not for lack of exercise. I've been more active recently than I've been in a long time.
This really worries me. I love to cook and I love to eat but I hate having to plot and plan for everything I put in my mouth. I often think that the worst thing about dieting is that it requires you to think about food all the time! That just seems counter-productive to me. I'm a go-with-the-flow kinda gal. I love leftovers, spontaneity and other people's cooking--whatever.
My busy "social season" should slow down to normal in a couple weeks so then it's back to vegetable soup and diet Jello again. I do this out of fear, however, because hardly a day goes by that I'm not informed in some fashion that I'm eating myself into an early grave (figuratively).
I want to see my three great-granddaughters growing up and my grandkids graduating from college and getting married. I have a lot of stuff to hang around for!